Pet Sitting Routine


Neatness is always essential, especially if the customer’s home is un-kept… It helps to imagine that your mother-in-law is coming to inspect your job. Our expectation of how you leave the house and a customer’s property is very high. Accidents, cat box maintenance, and clean eating bowls and areas are the responsibilities of the pet sitter.

Equally vital is reliability. If you agree to water specific plants or call the customer after a visit, do it. If you agreed not to walk Fido in the rose garden, don’t do it. Make those notes in the PetSitConnect.


Feed the pets according to their feeding instructions. Please do not change or alter their feeding routine. If you feel strongly that a pet is not receiving the adequate feeding amount or the food is unsafe, contact the office immediately. Do not take responsibility for yourself to change the pets’ diet.

If the food supply runs out during the assignment, go to a store and buy the same kind. Leave the receipt to the customer and email the office the amount and date of the pickup trip so it’s added to your schedule and you get paid for it. You will also need to add the amount to your Timesheet to get reimbursed for the expense.

When a bowl is empty or you dump out extra food, wash it with soap and hot water before using it again. Do not let any bowls sit in the sink soaking (you may want to soak them at the beginning of the visit and not wash them until you are ready to leave, but we do not want any dirty pet dishes sitting in the sink).

Wash out all the empty pet food cans and the sink so the cans don’t stink up the house while sitting in the trash.

We will always wipe the food preparation area around the food to ensure it is clean after each feeding.

Rule of thumb: Neatness counts. When a client returns home, it should appear like you were never there.


Refresh water daily even if the pets have not had a drop. Always wipe any slime out of the water bowl before refilling. If the water bowl is empty when you arrive, take an extra bowl from the customer’s cabinet and fill it so the pet has plenty of water. Dehydration is a big problem for pets in the summertime. We have never had a client become angry that we used their human dishes for their pets. On the contrary, they perceive it as extra care and attention towards their pets.

If necessary, wipe the water area periodically to ensure it is clean and neat.

Remember that many clients with cats keep several water bowls throughout the house. Always ask about those and note them in the customer’s file. Customers commonly leave additional water bowls in the bathroom or kitchen sinks.


We will scoop the litter daily. Even if you see that there isn’t much of a mess, scoop it.  If a customer returns home early and sees that the litter wasn’t scooped that day, he/she may assume that you never came… If a customer requests you change the litter, do it. Most of the time, though, you’ll need to scoop it. Add more fresh litter as you scoop the old one out.

Always sweep around the litter box when you are done.  Never leave old litter in the inside trash can, no matter how well you close the bag. If a customer lives in a house, take it to the garage. If a customer lives in an apartment, throw it away in a dumpster. Never leave it outside the customer’s door either – many apartment complexes may fine them for it.

If you leave it outside the customer’s house or apartment, make sure it is a trash pickup day; otherwise, the client may be fined.

Litter boxes are often in bathrooms or laundry rooms. Make sure you note their location in the system if it is somewhere not ordinary. Extra litter is stored next to it or in the garage or laundry room.

It is recommended that you carry your litter scoop. Sometimes, finding the customer’s scoop may be challenging, and it could be easier to use your own instead of spending 45 minutes looking for one.

If you need to change litter:

Take a large plastic garbage bag and fit it around the litter tray, turn over the tray, beat it twice lightly on the back to dislodge wet litter stuck to the bottom, remove the tray, and fasten the bag. Clean out the box with soap, water, and some Lysol.  If you must dump a litter box into a trash can in the garage, ensure you don’t spill any. If you do, sweep around.

People who put newspapers on the bottoms of their litter boxes should be discouraged from doing so. It soaks up urine and stinks. Avoid this whenever possible. Plastic litter box liners can be a challenge. The plastic is thin, tears easily, and is a pain to pull apart from itself in the installation process. Cleaning out the litter pan, wiping dry with paper towels, and spraying with Lysol is much easier.

Some customers are inconsiderate enough to leave you a full litter box on your first day. No matter what though, it gets cleaned every day – that’s the best way to exceed customer’s expectations and get repeat business, needless to say, the cats will be happier and will make less mess overall…

The electric litter boxes MUST be cleaned out daily or they may jam. They should also be checked if the power has gone off.


10-15 minutes is usually adequate, but if you have told a customer that you will provide a longer walk, provide one. Chances are the client has told neighbors – and the neighbors consistently report back if we are not fulfilling our responsibilities. If the animals haven’t pooped in 10-15 minutes, they probably won’t go this time. It helps to find out where the dog is usually walked since many are extremely territorial, and some are openly neurotic about their “spots.” Your goal is to have the dog go to the bathroom and get good exercise. If you need to throw them a ball before leaving, do it – anything that will occupy the bored mind of a pet so they sleep well after you leave. But of course, follow the customer’s instructions closely – some dogs may not be allowed vigorous exercise or long walks…

CAUTION: When you always have the leash on and are standing by the door ready to go outside, give the leash a good solid tug to ensure it is secure. Check the collar, too, and if necessary, tighten it. Guard against escapes by passing your hand through the loop of the end of the leash and grasping the leash below the loop. This avoids accidentally dropping the leash or pulling it out of your hand.


No matter how well trained or cooperative they are in the interview, no matter how many assurances the owner gives, sooner or later, walking one off lead will cause a problem – anything from a male taking off because there is a bitch in heat around the corner (the smell carries up to a mile) to a pup getting run over when he decides to chase a squirrel across the street.

Avoid other people and animals while you are walking a client’s dog. If you see another dog – even if it is being leash walked, cross to the other side of the street or change directions to avoid confrontation between the animals. Just because the other dog is on a leash doesn’t mean the owner has control of it!

Do not let other people (especially children) approach or pet a client’s dog, no matter how friendly the dog is. The dog may bite, snap, scratch, jump up on, or knock someone over.

Clean up all solid waste immediately using an inverted plastic bag and close it securely. Place solid waste in an outside trash receptacle in a public area or in the owner’s outside trash can. Do not leave cat or dog fecal material in the owner’s interior trash cans!

BACKYARDS: Always go outside with the dog if you let them out in the backyard.

This prevents potential escapes from underneath or over the fence and protects the animals from insect bites, etc. This will also save you a problem explaining to your client how Buster ate the neighbor’s cat while you were watching him in the backyard. Always remember to check the door to the backyard before you shut it behind you – make sure it is not locked. Check it by turning the OUTSIDE doorknob.



Have him sit, heel, or straddle him with your legs if he is uncooperative. Grab his upper jaw behind the two prominent canine teeth and lift to vertical, keeping your fingers tightly clamped on the upper jaw with some of the dog’s gum and lips between your fingers and his teeth. If he bites down, he’ll get himself. When his tongue comes out, pop the pill into the back of his tongue, close the lower jaw, and stroke his throat until he swallows. If the dog is belligerent, search the refrigerator for some inexpensive cheese or a pat of butter and wrap the pill in that.

Also, many pills can be crushed with the bottom of the bowl with a spoon and mixed into canned food, especially if the dog has a healthy appetite. Before crushing pills, make sure to call the customer’s vet to double-check that the pill will retain potency.


This is much more difficult in most cases. Try the gentle, calm approach. Pet and play with the cat then set the cat on the counter or table on a fluffy towel or the floor between your legs. Using minimal restraint, place your left hand on the cat’s head, grasp the jaws with thumb and forefinger, and raise the head until the nose points at the ceiling. As the cat’s mouth drops open, use your right hand to drop a pill in the back of the cat’s throat – a quick poke with your finger or a ballpoint pen, and the pill is down. We recommend that you carry pill poppers with you at all times just in case the cat is incredibly stubborn – those can be your lifesavers. Change the pilling time from 15 minutes to 15 seconds!

But if the cat is not cooperating, you may try a different approach. First, catch him. If necessary, grab him by the scruff of the neck, treating the unsociable beast like a sack of potatoes and watching out for the back claws. Hold him tightly between your knees and calves while you kneel on the floor. Securely trap his front legs, or your hands will suffer. Grab the top of his jaw and proceed like with a dog, but make sure to trap some gum and lips between your teeth and your fingers. Pushing the pill well down the cat’s throat is usually necessary to prevent it from being spat out.

With single cats with a good appetite, it is always easier to crush and mix the pill with canned food. With more than one cat or a cat and a dog, pills must be given to ensure the right animal gets the medicine. In desperate situations, try separating the one who needs medicine from the others so long as he has access to the litter box, food, and water, and try crushing the pill into his food.

If you cannot give the pill to a cat, call his vet to ask how important it is for the cat to get his medicine daily. If the customer is gone for a long time and you cannot give the medicine, you may consider boarding the cat at the vet’s. After discussing the situation with the vet, call The managers to inform them of it, and then call the customer to explain what you plan to do.


All animals must be seen on each visit to ensure they are healthy and have not gotten into some difficulty. For example, cats can get trapped in small spaces, puppies can get their heads stuck in dog food cans, etc. Be careful not to open and close the house doors without checking the pets’ whereabouts. As you walk around the customer’s house, set up mental cues so you remember whether the doors are open or shut. Leave them the way you find them. Seek out cats under the beds and closets – a flashlight may help. Don’t pull them out. Make sure they are healthy.


It is recommended that you wash your hands after each visit.

Cats have a habit of throwing up. Once is generally nothing to worry about. This is true for the dogs, too. They are merely getting rid of something that doesn’t agree with their stomachs. Be aware of the animals’ stools. Diarrhea is an alert signal in dogs and cats, like in humans. Any change from the ordinary should be noticed. If it happens once, do not worry about it. If a pet has diarrhea two visits in a row, this may be a sign of an illness.

It is a good idea to check with the vet first or with one of the emergency clinics if it is outside of office hours. Always wait for office hours unless the situation is truly life-threatening. Tell the vet who you are, their customer, and the animal’s symptoms, and ask for his or her recommendation. Most customers dote on their animals like other people dote on their children. Use your judgment.

If you see a change in the pet’s behavior in addition to recurring diarrhea, notify the customer right away. You always want to talk to the customer before you take the pet to a vet, but if the customer is unreachable and you are unsure what to do, call our emergency numbers if you cannot get a hold of anyone right away.

The following conditions indicate that medical care is obtained:

  1. Any symptom indicating a lack of coordination or balance
  2. Any type of bleeding, including blood in urine or feces
  3. A swollen or bloated abdomen (prevalent in large dogs)
  4. Difficulty breathing
  5. Any burn
  6. Excessive coughing or sneezing
  7. Any sign of having swallowed a foreign object or choking or gagging
  8. Apparent weakness or collapse
  9. Dental problems, including loose teeth, discoloration of gums, or mouth odors
  10. Unusual hiding or depression
  11. Diarrhea extending more than one day
  12. Ear problems, including foreign bodies or head shaking, soreness, discharge or odor.
  13. Any type of eye injury, including a clouding of the eye
  14. Broken bones or apparent fractures
  15. Any lump or growth under the skin
  16. Sudden inability to move the legs or paralysis
  17. Excessive panting for an unusually long period
  18. Apparent pain is usually indicated by yelping, crying, trembling, or being sensitive to the touch
  19. Poisoning from household pesticides, medications, plants, or other toxic materials
  20. Seizures
  21. Loss of consciousness or shock
  22. Swelling of the abdomen, leg, joint, or mouth
  23. Being hit by a car, falling, attack by another animal resulting in trauma
  24. Severe straining or inability to urinate, blood in the urine, excessive urination
  25. Violent or continuous vomiting or vomiting lasting over 24 hours
  26. Unusual discharge
  27. A significant increase or decrease in water consumption
  28. Any significant weight loss


The transmission of rabies from animals to humans is the main cause of concern when an animal bites or scratches a person. Anytime there is a break in the skin from either a bite or scratch, the wound should be washed immediately with soap and water. Seek additional medical treatment if needed and report the incident to the appropriate local animal control department or health department so the pet can be quarantined. Immediately notify the office of the incident.

It is also recommended that people who work with animals stay current on tetanus shots. Bacteria in animal saliva can be transmitted to humans through wounds that can cause illness in humans if the tetanus shot isn’t kept up-to-date.

If a pet bites or scratches anyone other than you, notify the office immediately. If the animal bites a child, personally notify the child’s parents and advise them what steps will be taken.


Pick newspapers up each time when you come. This is also proof that you did what you were supposed to do. If there is a mailbox key, ask the customer to leave it for you. Lights should be changed or not by the clients’ instructions. UPS and other delivery cards should be signed and left out – they don’t care who signs.

It’s usually easier to do this on the way into the home. Leave mail and newspapers on a living room table, kitchen counter, or dining room table unless the owner specifies another location. Never place unopened mail in front of a window or anywhere visible from outside the home, as it may indicate an absent homeowner to unscrupulous eyes. Bring packages (UPS, FedEx, etc.) and leave them in the same general area with the mail and newspapers.

As a courtesy, remove rubber bands and plastic covers from newspapers and lay the paper out flat. Please dispose of the plastic wrapper or rubber bands so pets cannot get hold of them. Some pet sitters “recycle” the plastic bags as containers for feces disposal or makeshift plastic “gloves.”

Ensure the area looks neat like you took your time to lay it out, not throw it down when running by. You want to create an impression that you were thorough throughout the pet sit, whether caring for pets or at home.


You know the key works because you have already tried it out. Always assume that a cat is crouched and ready to barge out of the door. Unlock all locks, but keep the door closed. Remove keys.

Open the door swiftly, only as wide as necessary to get in. As the door opens, swing your foot into the opening with enough force to knock the cat out. If, despite this effort, a cat does get to the door opening, mash it against the door with your foot. Most likely, it will retreat.  Better a slightly bruised cat than a lost cat. Always expect a cat to escape, even if you cared for it many times. Shut the door quickly and proceed. Lock yourself in if you feel more comfortable. This also prevents doors from blowing open and animals from escaping. When entering through a garage door, close the garage door after you have entered and before entering the house.


On the way out, watch for escapes again. Lock the door and check it by trying to get in. Train yourself to remember you locked the door with some mental snapshot of your locking the door.  Also, make sure that all the doors to the backyard have been locked, too, as those are easy to overlook.


Ensure you note the alarm information in the client’s file in PetSitConnect and pay special attention to it when entering the customer’s home. The security company will probably call the house if you trigger the alarm. Make sure you answer the phone and tell them the password. Also, call or text the client immediately to let them know you’ve set off the alarm. Some clients get charged if the police are dispatched for false alarms, so you want to tell them immediately that it’s you and not a burglar!

Rule of thumb: Assume that all alarm systems record your time of entry and exit, and don’t rush through your visit.


Stick by whatever you agreed to. If you said you would come in the morning, come in the morning. Try to be consistent by coming at approximately the same time every day. But don’t always arrive at a precise time sharp. Let clients know that a one-hour window is realistic.

One of the security aspects of the service is our random arrival time. You rarely have to clean up messes for twice-a-day dogs if you stick to twelve hours between the visit schedule. With three times a day dogs, we’ll come at 6-7 am, 12-3 pm, and 8-9 pm.


Clean up any messes left by pets. If it were an occasional accident, we would clean it up. If a pet keeps having accidents each visit, you will have to think about how to prevent a recurrence of the problem by locking the dog up in the kitchen, moving the litter box to a tile-floored area, etc.

You are not a kennel boy. Take reasonable action to make your work easier: solve problems. You may or may not want to replace things in their regular positions before the customer returns home. If you don’t return things, leave a detailed note for the customer about what you did. If messes on the carpet continue, call The managers to request an adjustment to the pet-sitting schedule. We may want to add one or more visits to the existing schedule – you can discuss this with the managers.

Rule of thumb: All surprises result in customer dissatisfaction. We will always talk to the customer when changing the schedule.


We strongly recommend that all sitters lock their cars in a customer’s home. Take your cell phone with you. Lock yourself in a customer’s home.

Rule of thumb: Create and use a mental checklist for the end of each visit. Water, food, locked doors, alarm set, etc. This will save many errors. Get into the habit.


Indoor plants:

When a client is gone for five days or more, check the plants to see if they need watering. It is always better to be underwater than overwater. But make sure you do water. Dead plants have ruined many great customer relationships.

Outdoor plants:

All plants in pots need to be watered daily in summer.


TREAT EVERY VISIT AS IF IT WAS THE LAST ONE – the client may come home early and unannounced.

Here is where you make your best impression. Sweep with a broom or vacuum the eating area around the litter box again. Clean placemats for food dishes thoroughly. Check the entire house (except for where the doors were shut) for cat barf, hairballs, dog poop, chewed plants, etc.

Clean up wherever necessary and take out the garbage to the garage or on the curb (if it is a garbage pick-up day). But you are not a maid. Vacuuming cat hair all over the house is beyond the call of duty, and we won’t clean dog slobbers on glass patio doors.

ALWAYS communicate with the customer by text, phone, or leaving a thank you note at the end.  Usually, pet owners will let you know if they want daily texts, every other day, or just on the first day only. Telling them that Fido was so lonesome will not lead to repeat business.  Make your texts upbeat, humorous, and fun. Show the customer that you love their pets and look forward to seeing them again.


Animals that escape may either bold and flee the area or hang around outside of the house.

If an animal escapes, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Attempt to catch the animal by walking up to it, but do not chase it.
  2. Try using food, a toy, or another of the client’s pets to coax the animal back into the house or a confined area.
  3. Make every reasonable attempt to catch or confine the pet, especially if the owner lives in a high-traffic area.
  4. Stay at the house as long as possible to wait for the animal to return.
  5. Leave a business card with neighbors and ask them to call us anytime or night if they see the pet.
  6. If the animal does not return, check frequently (every few hours). Leave water out for the pet but no food (you want them to get hungry and come to you for food).  If the animal has not returned within 24 hours, call in a report to the local animal shelters and humane societies. Also, contact all area veterinarian offices about the missing pet. Pets can travel a long way if they are lost or have been picked up by someone. Follow up with daily checks to each place asking if there has been any sign of the lost pet.


This is a professional service, not a friendly visit. Never bring a friend, relative, spouse, child, or another animal in. Our liability insurance and bonding cover only an employee of the company. Should a customer file a claim against you, the company’s insurance and bonding protect you. However, your companion is not. You are exposing yourself and your friend or family member coming with you to any claims from the customer, and the company’s insurance does not protect them. Many animals unused to children or strangers will bite and scratch without provocation. While you are covered by the contract that a customer pays for all medical bills associated with your injuries by their pet, they are not going to pay for your friend or family member. Bringing other people with you is unprofessional and dangerous in many ways. The only exceptions are when you are taking another pet sitter who is already an employee of the company for training purposes.


To ensure your clients will have a good experience with you, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Listen to the customer and document all the instructions in detail. That way, when your Substitute is doing pet sits for you, you are not being called, and your client is still happy and doesn’t go away from us.
  2. We won’t touch people’s messes but will clean all pet-related messes thoroughly. Use soap for dishes, sweep around the pet areas, and always leave the food preparation area clean. Do not leave dirty litter in indoor trashcans, and always rinse wet food cans so they don’t smell in the kitchen trash.
  3. Always stack up newspapers and mail neatly – it takes less than a minute but creates a great image of you and your service.
  4. Always text or call the client if that’s your arrangement with them.

Mental Pet Sitting Check Sheet

  • Come in, disable alarm (if necessary)
  • Let the dogs outside right away (back yard or on the leash)
  • Let the dogs pee and poop
  • Come back, let the dogs drink water
  • Feed the dogs (if necessary)
  • If the dogs didn’t poop, walk them again
  • Refresh water
  • Wash the feeding bowl
  • Sweep and wipe the feeding area with a wet paper towel
  • Check the house for accidents
  • Scoop litter box
  • Sweep around the litter box
  • Place all the trash in the garage
  • Check mail
  • Check plants in pots outside for watering
  • Play with pets, give them treats if allowed
  • Write note
  • Make sure the back doors are locked
  • Secure animals in crates if necessary
  • Leave, set the alarm
  • Check the door one more time to make sure it’s locked